Thursday, July 14, 2005

Giovanni Ribisi.
One of my favorite young actors here in Tinseltown. A very versatile actor with his repertoire ranging from a double-crossing hillbilly in 'Cold Mountain, to a brave young soldier in 'Saving Private Ryan, an ambitious but careless car thief in 'Gone in 60 Seconds, and a schizoprenic toy airplane designer in 'The Flight of the Phoenix. His acting credits are endless, truly one of the rare talents to come along in Hollywood.

He's a regular at the Starbucks I frequent. I'll usually spot him in the middle of the day, he'll usually order a hot drink whether it's a Tazo, Mocha, or what I don't know. But when he's there he's like any normal person minding his own business. Many times I've had the opportunity to go up to him, and say what's up but, I don't wanna bother the man. I'm sure he's busy all the time, those actors and actresses start their day very early I've been told. Besides I don't wanna make a fool of myself, if for some reason he doesn't acknowledge me, although I don't think that'll be the case. I'm sure he wants to be left alone just as much as I'd want to be left alone if I'm a talented young actor like he is. True Celebrities avoid attention at all cost. I'm surprised no one has tipped off a papparazzi to stalk him in that particular Starbucks. I'm glad though because the man deserves a break, a quiet time, and every now and then I get to see him in person. One of my favorite actors in Hollywood!!

But...and this is a huge BUT!!! Today I saw him and I was very disappointed!!! Not at him, but by what shoes he was wearing!!! What is it you ask??? Well Giovanni happened to be sporting a brand of shoes that I hate with a passion!!! Could you guess which shoe brand he was sporting???
Take a very wild frickin' guess???

If you said 'NEW BALANCE, then you got it!!!! Giovanni, the man, the very talented, and versatile young actor in Hollywood, was wearing a crappy ass black pair of 'NEW BALANCE kicks!!!!

Giovanni was sporting a pair of black New Balance kicks similar to this one!!! Why Giovanni, Why???

ARRRGGGHHHH!!! oh the humanity!!!!! Why couldn't he sport something else, some other brand of kicks??? I mean he could've been sporting a pair of Golas, or Ben Shermans, or Sauconys, or Pony, or Converse, Nikes, Adidas, Y-3's, Pumas, Miharas, or anything.....anything at all!!!!
But why does it have to be a NEW BALANCE SHOES????? WHY, GIOVANNI WHY?????

Why did you have to sport a pair of New Balance shoes??? That despicable shoe maker does not deserve your precious feet Giovanni!!! Come on!!! I know the retro look is in, but why choose a crappy shoe maker's brand of shoes, why choose New Balance??? Don't you know what this'll do to your immaculate image? It will tarnish it!!! New Balance shoes will destroy your awesome persona Giovanni, it might even give you bad luck in your career if you don't stop wearing them!!!

Giovanni, if you're reading this first of all 'Thank you!!! [enter]*jumping for joy*[here]
Anyways please find my New Balance Blog I wrote a few days ago, read it and you'll understand why you should not be wearing NEW BALANCE SHOES.
The New Balance shoe brand is a cancer to the whole shoe industry. It should be banned in all countries in order to stop the mediocreness in shoes design.

Please Giovanni, for the sake of your Image, and reputation stop wearing 'New Balance shoes!!!
Your Hollywood career may very well depend on it!!! Listen to a fan of yours, (that's me!) that knows about shoes!!! New Balance shoes are evil!!!

Oh by the way Giovanni, in case you're wondering I was the guy sittin' down on the sofa inside Starbucks. You saw me our eyes met for a second!!! I had a pair of black Oakley shades on, and a pair of white brand spankin' new ASICS Corsair kicks!!! Does it ring a bell??? I also had my iPod on, and I was drinking a venti drip!!! I was sittin' right beside the entrance, that's why I had an excellent view of your shoes!!!!

You should've seen my face when I saw you sportin' those god-awful New Balance kicks!!!
I hope the evil-ness of those New Balance shoes doesn't seep into your brain.
Furthermore, I hope those 'New Balance shoes doesn't affect your brilliance in acting!!!


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