Sunday, July 10, 2005

Way of the Dragon. Bruce Lee, a.k.a The Little Dragon. The man I've always looked up to, ever since I was a little kid. I'm sure I'm speaking for millions of men out there who were once boys watching Sunday afternoon kung fu matinee on TV. Man, was I mesmerized when I saw Bruce Lee in action for the first time.!!! Old skooL Kung Fu flicks totally kicks ass!!! Just the other day I, for no apparent reason popped in the Way of the Dragon DVD on the home theatre, and before you know it Kris, and my roommate Jun, (we all refer to him as Yangman but his real name is Jun) before you know it, all three of us was well engrossed into the movie.
The cat-like stance, the cat-like noise Bruce Lee makes as he gets ready to kick some serious bad guy simply awesome!!! Watching a Bruce Lee flick is almost therapeutic!!! Just what a guy needs!!!! He's the personification of what all of us guys would want to be like!!!!

With all the current crop of crap we've seen lately such as the very dissappointing DeNiro flick 'Hide and Seek, by the way this movie is sooo bad, I almost broke the television because the plot is so mediocre, that my brother had to keep me from hurling the remote at the television. Arghh, that's 2 hours of my precious life that I'm not going to get back, from this awful awful flick!!!

And then there was 'The Village,...another Shyamalan crap. I don't know but maybe it's just me but, ever since the phenomenal Willis flick 'The Sixth Sense, this guy lost his storytelling touch. The Village tried so hard to create a surprise twisit at the end, however falls flat because by the time the movie does get to the end, whoevers' watching it had fallen asleep by then. Another awful movie, and 2 hours of your life waisted if you were to watch it!!! Although 'Signs did show promise but then again Mel Gibson, and Jouaquin Phoenix bailed 'Shyamalan out by their brilliant acting!!! Anyways enough about my ramblings about recent bad flicks. Just watch a old skooL kung fu flick, and everything will be all right!!!

M.Night Shyamalan....

He does have a cooL 1 letter first name, and a very cool word for a second name. Actually his name sounds like that of a horror novelist! Please Night, let us have the Shyamalan that directed the awesome Sixth Sense whom showed brilliance, and promise!!!
And not the Shyamalan whose currently directed 2 boring coaster rides!!! -insert- Big Yawn -here-


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