Saturday, July 09, 2005

Everyone this is Suzuki-san. You know him by the name ICHIRO!!! He's the coolest Baseball Player on this planet! Period! I gotta use this Blogger thing to come clean...I'm only a Mariners fan because of this guy. No other player in the history of my interest in Major League Baseball has ever been a player to get me interested in baseball...again! No other than yup you guessed it ICHIRO!!! This guy is just plain cooL!!! I mean look at him!!! That's him on the right!!! I mean I'm a dude okay, and if I was a chick? Man!!! Anyhow, I have three of his Jerseys and man do I look cool whenever I wear them. If I can only hear what people are saying to themselves whenever they pass me as I have an ICHIRO Jersey on. They're probably saying....Man, that is an awesome ICHIRO Jersey that asian guy is wearing!...or...Boy, that dude makes that ICHIRO Jersey look cool!!!...or my personal favorite....Oh that guy is hot!!! [A hot chick saying this to herself] All I need now are those awesome ICHIRO Oakley's he's always sporting around. They go for like $200 plus on ebay anyway. So when I get them, I'll look SUPER-DUPER-COOL!!! sugoi ne? Soshite....all I'll need afterwards is that way cool Mariners turtleneck he's sporting....look at the pic!!! It will be perfect for this fall...Ohhh yeaaah!!!! By the way, I'm not gay!!!


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