Tuesday, July 12, 2005

New Balance. "I hate New Balance Shoes with a passion!!!"

Let me tell you why.

I had a pair when I was a little kid probably at the age of 6-7 years old, and they were the ugliest pair of shoes I have ever seen. Truly the ugliest pair known to man, in my point of view!!!

You'd think after all these years they would improve their designs. Hell, if I was the CEO of the company and I saw the designs of any of these shoes they made, I would personally as CEO come up to the designer and punch him in the chops, and then fire him, her, or them. It would be interesting to see how many designers have ever worked for New Balance. Because all of their shoes 'LOOK THE SAME!!!!! THEY ARE ALL UGLY!!!!

This kinda looks like the one I had when I was a kid I'd swear it's even the same color, and that was over 20 years ago!!! See what I mean by New Balance designers having no improvements, and unimaginative technical designs??? I'm telling you there's only one guy designing these crappy shoes!!! Why would anyone wanna put this disgrace of a shoe design on their feet anyway? Their slogan should read: "New Balance, making shitty shoes for your crappy tommorrow!"

I would hate to even think that there are different designers involved because really all New Balance shoes look the same.For Men or Women, Sports, Athletic-inspired, whatever....all New Balance shoe designs look the same. No originality, no distinction, nothing!!!! It would be easier for me to think that after all these years, there's only one dude cranking up all the designs for New Balance shoes. Sadly however I don't think so!!!! After all, this is New Balance shoes I'm talking about, and New Balance Shoes just plain suck!!!

Really the designs are so mediocre, without an ounce of originality. I also hate the stupid "N" logo that adorns the bajillion-kajillion pairs of New Balance shoes in the world. I also hate 'NB' shoes because every day I'll see an average of 10-15 different people sporting them!!! I'm telling you it's a conspiracy!!! New Balance is probably owned by Dr. Evil and is out mass producing these god-awful New Balance shoes in order to take over the world. I think each 'New Balance shoes have a built in chip inside connected to a central computer that when switched on, it will take over the people that happens to be wearing them. And with every New Balance wearing humans at the control of Dr. Evil, it will signal the end of the world!!!!

But seriously, I really hate New Balance Shoes!!! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!!!! I can't believe people actually, and stupidly pay $65-$100 for a pair of these ugly, ugly shoes!!! I mean come on!!! I would rather walk on broken glass rather than put a pair of these shitty New Balance kicks on my wonderful feet!!!!

All New Balance shoes owners should all be punished!!! I don't understand how anyone can sport these ugly kicks!!! I mean look at it.....aside from the stupid-unimaginative 'N' logo, there is absolutely nothing cool about these kicks!!! Absolutely nothing, I tell you!!!

The shoes on the picture below alone shouts out words like; Horrid, Dreadful, god-awful, Mediocre, Crap, I mean it's just plain U-G-L-Y!!!! There's nothing else I can say to express my feelings on how much I dislike NEW BALANCE Shoes!!! Nothing!!!! However if I do think of some more bad things to say about the New Balance Crappy Shoes I'll make sure to add it here!!!!

I finally found something to help me puke when I've drunk too much beer!!!
And that is to stare at these horrendous, horrible, ugly ass New Balance Shoes!!!

[insert] Gagging Hysteria [here]

"This chick just got a pair of 'New Balance Shoes for her Birthday.....poor girl!!!"


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