Ain't that a bitch???
I mean COME ON, this a famous star burger we're talking about!!! Okay it's much better than Jack in the Box's Jumbo Jack but at least that's still .99 cents thank goodness!!! But it's a frickin' famous star for a $1.99!!!.....Gimme a break!!!!

Are you reading this Carl's Jr Corporate people??? This sucks, this whole thing SUCKS!!!
Until you lower the price of that stupid aSS famous star burger of yours, you will never squeezed another cent from me!!!! Why I'm sure if Carl N. Karcher, the founder of Carl's Jr. were to learn of this SACRILIGIOUS OVERPRICING of the FAMOUS STAR BURGER you guys are doing he would roll over his grave!!!

Don't they understand how much business they are going to lose if they don't lower the price of this burger at once!!!
Have you ever seen their commercial of a guy who doesn't know a thing when it comes to cooking? Well, that is reality!!! Even as I type this blog, many Americans out there are starving because now for the first time, they can't afford a stupid famous star burger!!!

I mean look at that, would you pay a $1.99 for that???
The answer is: HELL NO!!!
I've heard alot of BONEHEAD IDEAS in my life but this, this is a national crisis!!! It's literally a fast-food Pearl Harbor!!! The 9/11 for the fast food inflation epidemic!!! Pretty soon Jumbo Jacks will also be $1.99 as well as the dollar menus at Mc Donald's, not that I eat at McDonald's I never have since I was 10 years old. Especially ever since I saw Morgan Spurlock's "SUPER-SIZE-ME!!!" the very smell of McDonald's makes me gag and wanna puke!!!
But really, this is equally as bad as the Gas Price Inflation!!! For the many Famous Stars I've ever eaten in my life, this has got to be the saddest day in my Fast Food Eating Career!!!
From this day forth, unless Carl's Jr. lowers the price of the Famous Star back to $1.29 'you noticed I'm not even asking for the .99 cents price, because I believe $1.29 is a fair price to pay for this burger!!!
Anyways, unless Carl's Jr. lowers the price of the Famous Star back to $1.29 I will never eat at Carl's Jr. ever again!!!
We'll see how much you charge for your burgers now!!!......string them up boys!!!
Tryin' to charge me a $1.99 for a frickin' Famous Star Burger...PLEASE!!!!
How about I give all of you Bonehead Carl's Jr. Executives KNUCKLE SANDWICHES at no charge!!!
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