Sunday, March 19, 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006

With this blog being my first in a long while, coming from a very long hiatus I took from the online life. I decided to post another pic of my lovely, and precious Cecilia Cheung. Isn't she lovely? Isn't she beautiful? Isn't she sexy? Yes I do agree, she's all that, and a shot of extra espresso in my Venti Red-Eye!!!
She also has a new flick aptly named "The Promise". Of course here in the States it's still new but of course if you're from Hong Kong, Tokyo, or anywhere in the mysterious Far East this'll be old news for you already indeed.
Even still, even I haven't seen it yet, why you ask?
Well let's just say that when I lost my online privileges for a couple months anyway, 4 to be exact, so did my up to the minute info on what's hot on the Asian Cinema Pop Culture. Without online access I felt really detached from the world, as wierd as it sounds. It's true. But now that's over, now that I have my online life back, I can once again conquer the world that is I LOVE YOU BLOGGER.COM!!! is simply the best!
'In no way shape or form that the statement I made above is an advertisement, I swear!'
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I've just made a wonderful discovery to benefit my musical listening career, and what a discovery it is. I've just discovered the beautiful, somber, and melancholic music of The Smiths.
They have such an impact in my life right now. In fact their songs kind of inspires me in a way because, I'm very miserable right now. Guess what? They have a song just for me! It is called "Heaven knows I'm miserable now!" the lyrics is phenomenally sung by Morrissey who possesses a voice that speaks to you, that feels you, that knows you. Its as if he's feeling my very pain, and singing it just for me. Wierd huh? (2nd from right Morrissey in blue Jacket)
Anyways, I really have to thank my nephew for introducing me to Morrissey's music. It's because of this introduction that lead me to my discovery of The Smiths, Morrissey's former bandmates. So far every The Smiths song I've heard, I've liked, and the same with Morrissey's music.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

It's definitely a Puma Mihara MY-06 with the White / Palace Blue / Orange Soles colorway but this one comes with a "STRAP". How 'bout that?
It seems that the lace-up ones I recently purchased isn't the only version in existence, besides the "Mid-Cut" version. No. This one is exactly like the one I just bought except this has what looks to be an adjustable strap on each end.
But I must say, although it is still stylish in every sense of the word. It is however, not as elegant as the true lace-up version. Yes, that's right! I'm saying mine is without a doubt better looking than this 'strap on edition'. I mean I would still sport this one, I wouldn't mind it at all. Although it is a strap on, it still is a Mihara 6 after all!!!

It still has that awesome color combination.
It still is the lowcut version, as opposed to the midcut version. And it's just ultra-frickin' cool!!!
I get many stares whenever I sport this particular Miharas. It looks so slick with a pair of walking shorts on!!! Not to mention looking funky fresh with a pair of jeans on, but then again. All of my kicks looks awesome with a pair of Straight Leg, Bootcut Jeans on!!!
Anyways, the guy that's selling this pair on ebay has the starting bid of $109.00 GBP, which is roughly about $190.00 US. That's a grip!!! Even the previous 2 pairs of Mihara 6's I purchased on Ebay wasn't that much, almost but not quite!!!
It's funny too because the person that's selling this particular 'Strap on' version is from Germany. It kinda tells you that you have to search halfway sometimes around the world to find a pair of these rare beauties your size. I did. I bought the midcut version from Spain, (which by the way hasn't arrived yet...I asked the seller and she said that it was sent and that it was held by Customs, which answers the reason for the cause for delay.) My second pair the lowcut version, I got from a very cool dude in Australia. His shipping was phenomenal!!! I literally recieved the shoes in less than 5 days!!! Ain't that incredible? Especially a package that came from Australia got shipped to the United States in less than 5 frickin' days???

Anyways, If I ever come across another pair that is also 10.5UK, which equivalent to 11.5US, and 45EUR. that has a lower starting bid than $190.00US I will definitely bid on it!!! In fact I will snipe it!!! Fer'sure!!!!
Friday, July 22, 2005

The PUMA Mihara 2003 collection features three “MY 6” styles: Mid and Low cuts. Each MY 6 model differs slightly, but each features a simple and classic upper combined with a unique ‘cross counter’ heel design. The exaggerated, exposed structure of the heel combined with a functional outsole creates a truly unique design and original look. The outsole of the forefoot features a ‘Cat Face’ pattern that was inspired by Japanese computer game characters. The color palette for season includes bright, eye-catching blues, yellows and oranges as well as basics like black and white. Each shoe incorporates the distinctive PUMA formstrip and the PUMA cat logo accents the sleek profile of the toe. The 2003 PUMA Mihara collection will "only" be available at PUMA Concept Stores, high-end boutiques and department stores in major cities in Europe, Asia/Pacific and the United States.

Check it out: The first pair I bought features a

Anyways thank God, I was able to get the 'low-cut' version of this popular pair of kicks!!! Now, I can honestly say that 'I now have the very pair, the exact pair of Mihara's Cecilia Cheung wore in her 'Lost in Time' flick!!! I was happy before, but now I am REALLY HAPPY!!! Let me celebrate this by downing a full bottle of ice-cold-Sapporro!!!!

(isn't she beautiful? she's also my future-wife)
...sporting these exact 'lowcut' Puma Mihara 6's, it's even the same exact color scheme!!! Oh yeah!

Check it out: In case you haven't read my previous post about this pair of Puma Mihara Kicks that I also own, I present to you.....the MY-10's!!!

a.k.a Puma Mihara 10

Like with all of the pairs of kicks I own, the first thing that I like about the shoes would be the designs.
I always look at the intricacies of the design, and what sets it apart from the other crop of shoes already out there. Aside from the designs, I also look at the color schemes. I always check out the color combinations, and whether the color of the shoes correspond with the shoe design.
These are the elements the Puma Miharas succeed in!!! The designs are unique, and original, and the colors are a pleasant to the eyes not to mention eye-catching!!! Every Miharas and Puma shoes for that matter are a work of art!!! I can also mention other shoe brands out there but I will refrain since this particular blog is about my Puma Mihara 6's, and about the 2 pair (so far) of Miharas I own. I guarantee you my Puma Mihara collection will expand in the coming months!!!
And just for your F.Y.I: these are the other known color schemes of the famous Puma Mihara 6's, unfortunately however they pale in comparison to the ( White / Palace Blue / Orange Soles ) colorways!!!


"Honestly, which one would you pick?"
Thursday, July 14, 2005

One of my favorite young actors here in Tinseltown. A very versatile actor with his repertoire ranging from a double-crossing hillbilly in 'Cold Mountain, to a brave young soldier in 'Saving Private Ryan, an ambitious but careless car thief in 'Gone in 60 Seconds, and a schizoprenic toy airplane designer in 'The Flight of the Phoenix. His acting credits are endless, truly one of the rare talents to come along in Hollywood.
He's a regular at the Starbucks I frequent. I'll usually spot him in the middle of the day, he'll usually order a hot drink whether it's a Tazo, Mocha, or what I don't know. But when he's there he's like any normal person minding his own business. Many times I've had the opportunity to go up to him, and say what's up but, I don't wanna bother the man. I'm sure he's busy all the time, those actors and actresses start their day very early I've been told. Besides I don't wanna make a fool of myself, if for some reason he doesn't acknowledge me, although I don't think that'll be the case. I'm sure he wants to be left alone just as much as I'd want to be left alone if I'm a talented young actor like he is. True Celebrities avoid attention at all cost. I'm surprised no one has tipped off a papparazzi to stalk him in that particular Starbucks. I'm glad though because the man deserves a break, a quiet time, and every now and then I get to see him in person. One of my favorite actors in Hollywood!!
But...and this is a huge BUT!!! Today I saw him and I was very disappointed!!! Not at him, but by what shoes he was wearing!!! What is it you ask??? Well Giovanni happened to be sporting a brand of shoes that I hate with a passion!!! Could you guess which shoe brand he was sporting???
Take a very wild frickin' guess???
If you said 'NEW BALANCE, then you got it!!!! Giovanni, the man, the very talented, and versatile young actor in Hollywood, was wearing a crappy ass black pair of 'NEW BALANCE kicks!!!!

Giovanni was sporting a pair of black New Balance kicks similar to this one!!! Why Giovanni, Why???
ARRRGGGHHHH!!! oh the humanity!!!!! Why couldn't he sport something else, some other brand of kicks??? I mean he could've been sporting a pair of Golas, or Ben Shermans, or Sauconys, or Pony, or Converse, Nikes, Adidas, Y-3's, Pumas, Miharas, or anything.....anything at all!!!!
But why does it have to be a NEW BALANCE SHOES????? WHY, GIOVANNI WHY?????
Why did you have to sport a pair of New Balance shoes??? That despicable shoe maker does not deserve your precious feet Giovanni!!! Come on!!! I know the retro look is in, but why choose a crappy shoe maker's brand of shoes, why choose New Balance??? Don't you know what this'll do to your immaculate image? It will tarnish it!!! New Balance shoes will destroy your awesome persona Giovanni, it might even give you bad luck in your career if you don't stop wearing them!!!
Giovanni, if you're reading this first of all 'Thank you!!! [enter]*jumping for joy*[here]
Anyways please find my New Balance Blog I wrote a few days ago, read it and you'll understand why you should not be wearing NEW BALANCE SHOES.
The New Balance shoe brand is a cancer to the whole shoe industry. It should be banned in all countries in order to stop the mediocreness in shoes design.
Please Giovanni, for the sake of your Image, and reputation stop wearing 'New Balance shoes!!!
Your Hollywood career may very well depend on it!!! Listen to a fan of yours, (that's me!) that knows about shoes!!! New Balance shoes are evil!!!
Oh by the way Giovanni, in case you're wondering I was the guy sittin' down on the sofa inside Starbucks. You saw me our eyes met for a second!!! I had a pair of black Oakley shades on, and a pair of white brand spankin' new ASICS Corsair kicks!!! Does it ring a bell??? I also had my iPod on, and I was drinking a venti drip!!! I was sittin' right beside the entrance, that's why I had an excellent view of your shoes!!!!
You should've seen my face when I saw you sportin' those god-awful New Balance kicks!!!
I hope the evil-ness of those New Balance shoes doesn't seep into your brain.
Furthermore, I hope those 'New Balance shoes doesn't affect your brilliance in acting!!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Ain't that a bitch???
I mean COME ON, this a famous star burger we're talking about!!! Okay it's much better than Jack in the Box's Jumbo Jack but at least that's still .99 cents thank goodness!!! But it's a frickin' famous star for a $1.99!!!.....Gimme a break!!!!

Are you reading this Carl's Jr Corporate people??? This sucks, this whole thing SUCKS!!!
Until you lower the price of that stupid aSS famous star burger of yours, you will never squeezed another cent from me!!!! Why I'm sure if Carl N. Karcher, the founder of Carl's Jr. were to learn of this SACRILIGIOUS OVERPRICING of the FAMOUS STAR BURGER you guys are doing he would roll over his grave!!!

Don't they understand how much business they are going to lose if they don't lower the price of this burger at once!!!
Have you ever seen their commercial of a guy who doesn't know a thing when it comes to cooking? Well, that is reality!!! Even as I type this blog, many Americans out there are starving because now for the first time, they can't afford a stupid famous star burger!!!

I mean look at that, would you pay a $1.99 for that???
The answer is: HELL NO!!!
I've heard alot of BONEHEAD IDEAS in my life but this, this is a national crisis!!! It's literally a fast-food Pearl Harbor!!! The 9/11 for the fast food inflation epidemic!!! Pretty soon Jumbo Jacks will also be $1.99 as well as the dollar menus at Mc Donald's, not that I eat at McDonald's I never have since I was 10 years old. Especially ever since I saw Morgan Spurlock's "SUPER-SIZE-ME!!!" the very smell of McDonald's makes me gag and wanna puke!!!
But really, this is equally as bad as the Gas Price Inflation!!! For the many Famous Stars I've ever eaten in my life, this has got to be the saddest day in my Fast Food Eating Career!!!
From this day forth, unless Carl's Jr. lowers the price of the Famous Star back to $1.29 'you noticed I'm not even asking for the .99 cents price, because I believe $1.29 is a fair price to pay for this burger!!!
Anyways, unless Carl's Jr. lowers the price of the Famous Star back to $1.29 I will never eat at Carl's Jr. ever again!!!
We'll see how much you charge for your burgers now!!!......string them up boys!!!
Tryin' to charge me a $1.99 for a frickin' Famous Star Burger...PLEASE!!!!
How about I give all of you Bonehead Carl's Jr. Executives KNUCKLE SANDWICHES at no charge!!!